Selling Nucs of bee

In the field of sales of bees cores, Apicoltura Laterza has from its best equipment among those present on the market. For the control of bee diseases, we do not use antibiotics, as they are strictly prohibited.

In the field of selling bee coresBeekeeping Laterza It has from its best equipment among those present on the market. For the control of bee diseases, we do not use antibiotics, as they are strictly prohibited. Our staff proposes highly professional solutions both in reference to B2B (assistance for apistic companies needing large supplies to increase the hives Park) that, as far as possible, for customers requiring small orders. We specify, however, that we are born as a company that sells wholesale (minimum 550 parcels per delivery). In principle, the breeding of the ski and the production of bees ' cores starts in April.

Sale of API cores with shipment in Europe.

The parcels are delivered with a special drawer, where the presence of the wire mesh facilitates the transport of bees in long transports on refrigerated trucks, promotes heat exchange and ventilation.

The parcels are kept in the fridge at 8 degrees and then shipped within a day, so that bees do not grow old before they are placed in the hives.  Always in reference to the sale of cores APIs, all undergo antivarroa treatments. The Queen bees have between 7 and 9 months.

For the shipment, in any case Apicoltura Laterza invites to perform it personally in our company, in order to control the material and to know all the care to be taken into consideration during the transport phase (from ventilation to the water spray) or, if You are not able to have it followed by experienced personnel.

For more information on bee cores, bee packages, Queen Bees, as well as advice on buying the best equipment to become beekeepers and for the supply of honey and beeswax, you can write us an e-mail to the email address.

As far as the councils are concerned, following the sale of bees nuclei, apiculture Laterza indicates that if a single station is used for space problems (massed nuclei), it is advisable to stop for 4 or 5 days. Following the displacement of the drawer (a few meters back) and the placement in its place of the hive ready to receive the swarm, it is advisable to proceed with the transfer of the combs of the nucleus inside the new weapon. It is of paramount importance that the boxes are placed in the original order and that the Queen bee is inserted into the new dwelling.

Don't lose it if it's on the walls of the hive. Within the new hive The bees will be drawn, as the ventilating bees spread the smell of the nasonof gland, located at the end of the abdomen, in the air. In the racking phase, it is always advisable to add two wax sheets second to the left and second to the right, so as to restrict the nest with a diaphragm. Additional frames with wax sheets should be added only after other inspection visits.

The nourishment of the new family is a necessity in the face of adverse springs. As an insiders, we recommend a quantity of 4 litres of syrup during the week. Lock it all up once the weather stabilizes. Following these tips for 2 or 3 weeks, Apicoltura Laterza ensures that you can count on a well-populated family of bees.

Selling Nucs of bee

Apicoltura Laterza is involved in the production and sale of API cores.

nuclei d'ape
Bee Nucs

Disease-Free Bee Nuclei.

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